Top Advantages Of Getting A Small Concrete Pump Machine

In the construction industry, having the right equipment for the job is essential for the success of any project. The speed and efficiency of concrete conveyance in the construction site usually have a huge impact on the timely completion of a project. In the past, liquid concrete was usually conveyed using wheelbarrows and cranes. The use of wheelbarrows was not only slow but it also put a strain on the bodies of the workers. This method was also costly as it was labor-intensive. Cranes, on the other hand, could only deliver one bucketload of concrete at a time.

The pouring and placement of concrete using these methods led to spills and wastage as it lacked accuracy. Concrete pumps were introduced in order to eliminate the challenges posed by the traditional methods of conveying concrete. Concrete pumps helped increase the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of conveying and pouring concrete. Investing in concrete pumps provides project owners and contractors with numerous benefits. Many contractors have reported a drastic reduction in labor costs which have significantly reduced the overall construction costs amongst other benefits.

ABJZ30D small electric concrete mixing pump
ABJZ30D small electric concrete mixing pump

However, for small construction projects that don’t require large quantities of concrete, purchasing large concrete pumps doesn’t make economic sense. Small concrete pumps have become a hot-sale commodity in the market. They offer the benefits of a standard concrete pump, however, at a fraction of the price.

Here are some of the advantages of getting a small concrete pump machine.


Even though these small concrete pumping pumps are smaller in size, they function just like their larger counterparts. They are capable of high-speed pumping of concrete and help reduce the number of workers required for conveying concrete. Small concrete pumps also increase the accuracy of concrete placement which reduces spills and concrete wastage.

Most models of small concrete come with separate bins which allow for the transportation of different concrete materials which makes them very convenient. With a small concrete pump, you are assured of stable performance just like the large ones.

small diesel concrete pump
small diesel concrete pump

Easy Transportation

Small concrete pumps have a small size and have a compact design. Transporting the machine from one location to another is relatively easy even in areas where the roads are in poor condition. When attached to a capable vehicle, small concrete pumps can be taken to virtually anywhere.

Due to their small size, they also have a lightweight. This means that the trucks consume less fuel while pulling the machine. Fuel and transportation costs usually add up to the overall construction costs. Hence, investing in a small concrete pump will help reduce overall costs.

Operating Is Easy

Another major benefit of small concrete pumps is the fact that, compared to the standard versions, they are incredibly easy to use. Modern small concrete pumps are highly-automated which reduces the need for manual operations, which further reduces the number of workers required. Furthermore, since the performance and functionalities of the small pumps for pouring concrete are utilized on a small-scale, operating them is essentially easy.

Affordable Investment

One of the main reasons that have made the small versions of the concrete pumps very popular is the fact that they are inexpensive. Even though the pumping capacity of the small pumps is lower, you get the same stable performance and functionality as the large ones. In general, small construction projects don’t usually require the transfer and placement of large volumes of concrete at a time, hence, you won’t be sacrificing on much.