Choosing A China Self Loading Concrete Mixer

Investing in a China self-loading concrete mixer offers a number of advantages and this is why, there is huge demand for such mixers. However, increased demand for any product often leads to many suppliers jumping in the industry and that is what has happened with the construction industry as the self-loading mixers (бетономешалка с самозагрузкой) are in huge demand. In short, there are thousands of options available at a variety of price points and choosing one can be a challenging experience, especially for someone buying their first mixer. This is why, you should pay close attention to the factors described below in order to get your hands on a high quality and long-lasting concrete mixer.

Self Loading Concrete Mixer Price
China Self Loading Concrete Mixer Price

Mixing Capacity

Nobody wants to be in a situation where their brand-new machinery is not able to deliver the amount of concrete they need for various projects. When it comes to capacity, do not take the word of the manufacturer blindly. They frequently test their equipment in standard laboratory conditions, but the real world conditions are different and you are unlikely to get the same output as mentioned in the specifications. A general rule of thumb is to take 80% of the capacity mentioned in the specification sheet as the real world capacity.

Don’t make the common mistake of buying too much capacity as that would decrease the production efficiency and would cut into your margins. So, choose the right capacity after carefully going through the demand for concrete in various types of projects you undertake.

Quality of Various Components

A self-loading mixer (самозагружаемый бетоносмеситель) is made up of a number of main components such as the hydraulic transmission system, control system, cleaning system, discharge system, mixing tanks, chassis and various other such components. Manufacturers usually do not manufacture all of these components in their own factories and are dependent on other suppliers. The quality of these major components plays a huge role in the total service life of the mixer truck. This is why, you should pay special attention to the quality of components used in order to ensure a good return on your investment.

After Sales Service

Not enough buyers pay attention to this crucial factor. They just go out and ask for estimates from a number of sellers, and usually, choose a seller offering them the lowest price. While everyone wants to buy machinery at the lowest possible price but it does not mean that you have to ignore some crucial factors such as the after sales service. Due to its very nature, some parts making up a concrete mixers will need to be replaced frequently due to regular wear and tear.

Unfortunately, some manufacturers use low quality components in order to save on costs and eventually, the buyers have to pay the price in terms of excessive cost of repairs and maintenance. This is why, it is recommended to choose a manufacturer (like company AIMIX) that offers multi-year warranty for various components. Also, they should have a nearby service office to ensure that you don’t have to suffer major downtime due to unavailability of certain components that are within warranty.

Overall, there are a number of suppliers of self-loading concrete mixers in China. However, not all these manufacturers are known for quality products. This is why, you need to do your own research and pay attention to the after sales service offered by the manufacturer as well as quality of components used by them in order to get a good return on your investment in a self-loading concrete mixer. Learn more about self-loading concrete mixers in China: